
The beginning

After much consideration and procrastination, I finally decided to set up a blog for my jewellery. I have often been told to do so since the content on my Facebook page is in Finnish which, to be honest, is not a language anyone else but Finns know. In an effort to share my passion with friends and other people around the world, I think a blog was due!

I am just getting started here so there is not much content yet. However, a few important things have found their way to the right-hand column there. I will add to those lists gradually. I am also thinking about a convenient way to share photos of my jewellery, there is a lot of those! For the time being, I will attach photos to my posts so you can see some of the pieces I have made in the past.

If you have any ideas or requests in terms of the blog, feel free to leave me a comment. I will be happy to use those as we go along. :)

It is a cloudy day today. My spouse is working on the big project, the PhD thesis, and Nasu is sleeping under the sheet on our couch. She likes to make nests for herself from time to time. I finished a pair of earrings earlier and dabbled with a few ideas I have been thinking of lately. I have also been messaging a few customers about their jewellery being on the way. I bought a beautiful 500-piece puzzle with two tigers yesterday. I think I will go take a look at the daunting amount of pieces in a minute. 

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